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- The Daily Mail
- By John Lawrence
- Life On Earth 'May Have Come From A Meteorite'
- It all seemed a little far fetched in H.G. Wells's War of the Worlds. But the
- latest scientific research suggests there could be life on Mars after all.
- Unlike the advanced civilisation described in the book, however, our cosmic
- neighbours are likely to be giant white worms that feed on bacteria.
- Scientists believe microsopic life once existed on the surface of the Red
- Planet but moved underground billions of years ago to escape the harsh
- conditions.
- The most striking theory being discussed at a conference in london yesterday
- was that life on Earth may have begun on Mars.
- A meteorite could bave smashed into the surface of the distant planet and sent
- rock fragments - and their microscopic inhabitants - hurtling through space in
- our direction.
- The theory was sparked by the discovery last March of an Antarctic rock which
- was proven to have come from Mars and which contained amino-acids - the
- building blocks of life.
- Hope of finding life on Mars was all but abandoned 20 years ago when the Viking
- probe landed on the sub-zero landscape and failed to detect a single organic
- molecule, even though it was sensitive enough to pick out one part in a
- billion. But thinking changed late last year when American scientists found
- bacteria living more than half a mile beneath the Columbia River on a diet of
- nothing but darkness, rocks and water - well away from the life giving light
- of the sun.
- Similar conditions could easily exist on Mars, say the experts, who are meeting
- in London under the umbrella of the Ciba worldwide scientific foundation.
- Later this year, the first in a series of unmanned U.S. space probes will be
- launched to look for fossil evidence of Martian life. The probes are due to
- report back in 2005 and the findings could lead to a radical rethink of
- theories on the evolution of out solar system.
- Professor Malcolm Walter, from the School of Earth Sciences ar Macquarie
- University, New South Wales, Australia, said pictures of Mars showed valleys
- and channels which one contained lakes and rivers when surface temperatures
- were higher.
- He believes life may have retreated deep into the planet's interior as
- temperatures plunged for billion years ago and then stayed there - sustained by
- the warmth of volcanic hot springs. Professor Walter compared the importance of
- the exploration programme to the great European voyages in the Middle Ages and
- Charles Darwin's work on the theory of Evolution in the 19th century.
- Dr Robert Hutchison, a meteorite specialist at the Natural History Museum, said
- any bacteria which had made the journey between the planets would have faced a
- severe endurance test - possibly circling the sun for millions of years before
- they landed.
- But he believed that such a journey was possible. "Any life in the very middle
- of the rock would be protected from the ultra-violet radiation of space and the
- heat of entering the Earth's atmosphere," he explained.
- Dr Hutchison believed there was a "distinct possibility" that theories of
- Martian life could soon be proved true.
- But he added: "We won't find little green men and any life we do find will be
- extremely ancient.
- "It's a good job they won't be able to communicate because we'd have heard all
- their jokes already."
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